
How to Easily Calculate Your Bring Home Pay for the Entire Year in Less Than 5 Minutes

We all know how much our hourly or salary pay is at work, right? I mean, it's easy to know you earn $60,000 per year or $28.84/hour. But, do you know exactly how much of that is bring-home money?  Today, I'm going to show you an easy-to-use method for determining your bring-home pay amount. All you need is a blank spreadsheet to do this. You'll be able to complete this in less than 5 minutes. The reason it's important to do this is to know how much money you have available to spend. As you know, salary and spendable income are not the same amount. Once you've got your Google Sheets spreadsheet opened, what you'll do is enter the amount you bring home every paycheck. You'll want to enter the number in two different rows and include your pay dates as well. Then you'll fill down for the rest of the year. Just like I covered in the video above. You'll do this for every source of income that you have. It is best to estimate low for income, so if you'r

Personal Finance Takes Time

When you first start out with a written budget, it's exciting because maybe for the first time in your life, you see real possibilities. You begin to imagine what a life without debt might look like. Whereas before you might have been resigned to the idea that you'll always be in debt, once you create a written plan, those old ideas begin to change. When you pay off your first debt completely, you realize that the plan works. It's a really exciting time! Then you pay off your next smallest, debt, and you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's faint and way off in the distance, but it's definitely there. It's important to remember that this is in fact a journey. The beginning is great, but as in any journey, there will be peaks and valleys. When you're in the valleys, remember that while you may have acquired your debt in a day, it takes time and dedication to the plan to get out of debt. Don't get frustrated if it isn't moving fast eno